Last Updated

Monday 11th June 2001

Friday 6th April 2001


Chin Woo Wushu

Fork Yuen Kap

Chin Woo Basic Form

Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan)

San Shou - Chinese Kick Boxing

Adult Gymnastics

Why is Martial Arts Easier for Some people?

Running for Beginners.

Malaysia Tours

Want to become a British Stuntperson?


San Shou (the art of chinese kick boxing)

Our style of kick boxing is known as San Shou, and combines western boxing with the throwing and kicking techniques of traditional kung fu. The main differences between traditional martial arts and kick boxing are that traditional martial artists do not get hit with heavy impact often enough to be conditioned to handle it. In traditional tournaments a person might only receive a few controlled blows in a three minute round, whereas in kick boxing, the contestant is getting hit constantly during the rounds, and will therefore become conditioned to it.

Our classes are based on the same structure as a boxing gym. On the kick boxing side no belts are worn, and traditional martial art grades are not acknowledged. All students will help each other to become a team and respectful to fighters/people within the association. There are a lot of associations that use a belt structure to establish levels of competence.

We use a 3 tier structure based on actual time spent training and in the ring:

  1. Novice - Little or no experience
  2. Intermediate - Some competition experience
  3. Senior - Competing at national level

What do I do next?

First just come along and join in. Getting fit enough to fight takes time, so we start you on a fitness program. Then we teach you how to stretch safely, then start with boxing basics, defence, foot work, punching techniques, then kicking techniques and last throws and take downs. Then after a couple of months we let you have a go at sparring if you want! And you never know you may even want have a go at a little competition. The classes are a great way to get fit, lots of fun as you discover talents you never thought you had, and completely safe!

Please Remember Rome Wasn't Built in a Day!

Mandatory Equipment to take part in the class

You will without exception need the following kit after the first class:

  • Hand Wraps
  • Gum shield
  • Skipping rope
After four lessons we will need you to become a member. This is for your health and safety as we will need to insure you. Membership of the association also includes a club T-shirt, trousers, membership book, quarterly newsletter and the ability to compete. All kit is supplied but we will need you to provide your own kit once regular training is established. Full kit (gloves, shin guards, boots, headguard) is available from us at competitive rates.

All coaches are fully insured and qualified and have had many years of experience teaching boxing, martial arts and gymnastics. We look forward to seeing you in class and hope that we have a successful future together!

[Return to Articles Page]

  1. Chin Woo Wushu
  2. The Story of Fork Yuen Kap (Huo Yuen Jar)
  3. Chin Woo Basic Form
  4. Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan)
  5. San Shou - Chinese Kick Boxing
  6. Adult Gymnastics
  7. Why is Martial Arts Easier for Some people and not Others?
  8. Running for Beginners.
  9. Malaysia Tours
  10. Want to become a British Stuntperson?

[Return to top]

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